How To Safely Clean Your TV

By Kerry L

How To Safely Clean Your TV

The television is the nucleus of our living areas. From catching up on the news and sports to streaming movies and gaming, the TV is a fundamental source of information and entertainment. As a result, screens accumulate fingerprints, dust, and other debris that can affect the picture quality.

While reaching for the nearest rag and cleaning solution may be tempting, many of these products can damage your TV's delicate display, leaving you with costly repairs. That's why we've created this guide to show you the best way to clean your TV screen without causing any damage.

The manufacturer guidance regarding how to clean your TV can vary depending on the brand of TV you own so it is important that you first refer to the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Below are the links to the TV cleaning guides from some of the leading TV brands which you may find useful.



LG -


How to Deep Clean a Very Dirty TV

In most circumstances, a TV clean only entails a quick wipe-down with a microfibre cloth. However, if you've neglected your television, you must perform a deep clean in the first instance.

Follow these simple steps to get your TV back to optimal viewing condition:

1/Cut the Power

First, always make sure to unplug your TV before beginning any cleaning. This will prevent any electrical accidents or damage to the TV. Once the power is disconnected, you can start the process.


2/Thoroughly Wash and Dry Your Hands

Your hands are the primary tool for cleaning your TV so it is critical that they are impeccably clean for this purpose. Wash your hands with a mild soap solution for at least 30 seconds and completely dry them with a clean, lint free hand towel (not kitchen roll).


3/Clean the Body of Your TV

The body and panel of your TV can become exceptionally dirty if left over a long period of time. Unless your TV is an exceptionally dusty area or continually exposed to young children, you should only need to clean this once every couple of months.

Firstly, it is preferable to lightly dust the entire exterior of the TV except the screen using a feather duster which will help remove the top layer of dust which has accumulated on the TV.

Only use a good quality feather duster which is exceptionally soft to the touch. Start at the top of the TV and gradually work your way down the back of the TV. Don’t forget to pay attention to the TV ports such as the USB and HDMI inputs which can become exceptionally dusty.

The next stage of cleaning requires using a microfibre cloth to deep clean the body of the TV. A Charles Parker TV cloth measuring 30cm square is ideal for this purpose. It is recommended that you retain a dedicated microfibre cloth to use just on the body and panel only of your TV. Using a single microfibre cloth for multiple uses/devices will of course increase the risk of potentially harmful particles being spread from one device to another.

Dampen the microfibre cloth ever so slightly with cold water then twist and squeeze the cloth very tightly so that there is no possibility that any water can drip from the cloth into any of the TV vents. Clean the entire external body of the TV with the damp cloth and then use a separate clean and dry microfibre cloth to immediately wipe the entire body of the TV again. It is incredibly important that you do not leave any moisture on the TV and especially not around any buttons or near the border of the TV screen as this can cause permanent damage.


4/ Clean the TV Screen

It is recommended that you store a dedicated microfibre Charles Parker TV cloth close to your TV just for use with your TV screen.  You will also need some distilled water. 

Starting at the edges of the TV and working towards the centre, use a dry microfibre cloth to gently wipe in small circular motions any dust, smudges and fingerprints which are visible on the screen.

For stubborn marks which a dry cloth will not remove, you can dampen a very small area of a  microfibre cloth ever so slightly with cold distilled water then twist and squeeze the cloth very tightly so that the cloth is as dry as it could possibly be by squeezing it. Then, gently wipe the area in a small circular motion ensuring you do not press too hard on the screen. You should immediately dry the area with a separate clean and dry Charles Parker microfibre cloth. Do not leave any moisture on the TV screen under any circumstances. This is incredibly important. Please take note that LG do not recommend that any liquids are used in the cleaning process, so if you have an LG TV then you may want to use a dry cloth only.


Regular Cleaning of Your TV Screen

If like us, you are a slightly obsessive about your TV looking like new then it really won’t require much effort to achieve this. A minute of your time just once a fortnight should be all you need. 

Just follow these 5 steps for a quick and effective screen clean:

  1. Unplug the TV before cleaning.
  2. Thoroughly wash and dry your hands.
  3. Keep a dedicated Charles Parker microfibre TV cloth, stored in a clean, dust free location nearby.
  4. Carefully wipe any visible marks on your screen in small circular motions with your dry Charles Parker cloth.
  5. Thoroughly clean your Charles Parker cloth with your hands and with warm water and air dry in readiness for the next screen clean


TV Cleaning Don'ts

Here’s a list of things you must not do when cleaning your TV

  • Don't apply any abrasive cleaning fluids or alcohol to the screen – these can cause permanent damage to the screen and body.
  • Don’t apply too much pressure to the screen when cleaning it as this can cause permanent damage.
  • Don't use paper towels to clean your screen – The paper towels may look soft but over time, the fibers within the towels can scratch the surface of the screen.
  • Don’t spray any liquids directly onto your TV- not even water.
  • Don’t leave any moisture on your screen or on the TV after cleaning.
  • Don’t turn your TV back on until the entire body of the TV and the screen is completely dry and free of moisture.
  • Don't clean your TV with the power on – you can electrocute yourself or cause damage, especially if you’re using water.
  • Don’t use the same cloth to deep clean the body of your TV as the TV screen. The risk of scratching the screen is considerably higher if you do this.
  • Don't use a cloth to clean your TV which could contain particles which could cause permanent damage to your display. Regular and thorough cleaning of your TV microfibre cloth is essential.
  • Don’t share microfibre cloths between other devices. It’s just not worth the risk of something left on the cloth scratching your beloved 8K display!